
This is our collection of odds and ends, somewhere in the following pages you are likely to find something to either make you smile, or pause to reflect. For many of them, I have to thank contributors to some of the Yahoo news groups I belong to. It’s reassuring to realise that I’m not the only saddoe around. If you have any suggestions to add, then please E-mail usNavigation throughout this site and related sites (sub-domains) is by means of the buttons in the left margins, plus some, but not many, additional links. Clicking on the 'Family Crest', at the top left on any page, will take you back to the home page.

Office Life. Although it all seems so long ago, the absurdities of office life linger on. And I’m sure that Dilbert had a spy in our office.

Quotes. These have been gathered over several years, and the collection is still growing.

Oddities. Not sure how to categorise these.

Contact. Please email us if you’d like to contribute to these pages.

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